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Buy YouTube Live Stream Viewers

YouTube live Streaming is a popular trend today. 30% of Internet users report watching at least one live video stream each week. Live streaming on social media is dynamic, authentic and engaging, and the Internet audience can't get enough of it. Live streaming has become not just entertainment, but a way to MAKE MONEY. What is important for beginner streamers to remember and how to make money on YouTube live streams.

Are users willing to pay? Most YouTube viewers are willing to pay to watch a live stream. Streamers can earn money in different ways from their broadcasts. For example, by showing ads or selling subscriptions to the channel. But one of the main ways to earn money for the streamer remains donations, i.e. money transferred by users (donators) who send the author as a thank-you for the content they produce. Donations can be collected via various donation services.

Let’s take a closer look at YouTube monetization opportunities!

Direct Advertising in Videos

YouTubers are often approached by advertisers for promotion deals and can make a lot of money off of them. You can also reach out to companies and brands yourself. Especially, if you have started your channel recently.

Google Adsense Contextual Advertising

These are the video ads that are displayed to viewers before the actual clip. Premium YouTube subscribers and AdBlock users do not see them, so your options for monetization are somewhat limited. To receive your cut of 55% (the rest goes to YouTube), the viewer has to make it past the 30-second mark.

Partnership Programs

You can work with an agency to make your game content varied, attractive, and technically advanced. In turn, you will be required to share your cut with not just YouTube but the agency as well.

Selling Your Goods or Services

YouTube is a great platform to sell your own branded merchandise. Through videos, you can convey a message or tell a story, making your image relatable. You should use both pre-recorded content and live streams.

Streams and Donations

While there are no in-app donations, you can create an account on Patreon or a similar platform and place the link in your bio or share it during the stream.

Revenue from Super Chats and Super Stickers

Within the YouTube partner program, you can enable users to purchase highlighted top spots for their messages in the stream chat. The platform will take a 30% cut.

Why do people like to watch YouTube live stream?

People like to watch live streams because they feel a sense of ownership. In terms of YouTube live streaming, it allows for the construction and nurturing of a COMMUNITY. There's no exact script or ability to cut something out, everything happens in front of the viewers. Streaming is also an opportunity for interactive communication, in which both the presenters and those who watch the broadcast become participants.

Streaming is a young industry that is not fully formed. But you already have plenty of choices: playing a game, unpacking merchandise, broadcasting from a trip, or even just chatting with spectators live on air - streaming can be about any topic. To start streaming on YouTube, you will need to confirm your phone number within the account settings. The two main ways to go live are on desktop and mobile, with a limitation of 1000 subscribers required for the latter. Desktop streaming supports a higher resolution, multiple cameras, and 360 videos.

For streamers the interface is quite intuitive and walks you through the process step-by-step. Once you are live, you can monitor the number of viewers, moderate the chat, and monitor comments. For people who are watching, the stream will look like any other video, with the exception of the chatbox being displayed.

What do I need to start streaming?

To start streaming on YouTube, you will need to confirm your phone number within the account settings. The two main ways to go live are on desktop and mobile, with a limitation of 1000 subscribers required for the latter. Desktop streaming supports a higher resolution, multiple cameras, and 360 videos.

For streamers the interface is quite intuitive and walks you through the process step-by-step. Once you are live, you can monitor the number of viewers, moderate the chat, and monitor comments. For people who are watching, the stream will look like any other video, with the exception of the chatbox being displayed.

A checklist for making your live stream a success.

  1. Start promoting your streaming event well in advance. Depending on the subject matter and length of your planned stream, spread the word a week or even a month in advance about your upcoming event.
  2. Gather feedback from your previous stream and make sure you have all the details in mind when planning your upcoming broadcast.
  3. Post future streams on your social networks, including the exact date, time and topic of your live stream. Don't forget to attach a direct link to the stream.
  4. Try to make teaser posts in which you'll disclose the theme of the upcoming stream. Ask questions, ask your followers' opinions, and promise to discuss everything in detail in your live stream, which is coming soon.
  5. Use a hashtag for your stream.
  6. Promote your upcoming stream in the most popular or themed spots on your channel. Redirect everyone to the live stream page and ask to be reminded of the event.
  7. Don't forget to check the sound quality of the event and the operation of all equipment involved beforehand.
  8. Take care of a quality recording of your live stream.
  9. Pay attention to the earliest audience, at least half an hour before the start of the stream.
  10. Stick to the theme of the stream and the planned course of the event to meet the expectations of the audience.
  11. If possible, answer audience comments and questions during and after the stream to gain subscribers' loyalty and attract them to your future broadcasts.
  12. All kinds of gifts are very helpful in promoting the stream. They require some expense, but if you think that your stream is really good, but you can't attract a large audience - a lottery is a great way out of the situation.
  13. Another trick you can use to attract an audience is Goal. Streamers promise to do something extraordinary if they get a certain amount of subscribers or collect a certain sum of money. You can promise anything: to hold the next stream in a monkey suit or to raffle your merch among the subscribers. But remember that sooner or later the promise will have to be fulfilled!
  14. Be emotional and extravagant. Viewers love it when you express yourself. Be unusual and inventive so that your content is different from other videos in your niche.

You’ve now completed a lot of the major planning for your live stream!

We hope this information will be helpful! But we have something else we want to share with you! We offer multiple services of promoting, STREAMING IS INCLUDED! If you do not know where to start, then invite a second presenter, it will be easier and interesting. Dialogue always gives a better picture. get inspiration from your favorite streamers, try to find similar topics.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most viewed YouTube live stream? The most viewed live stream on YouTube is a space jump that was uploaded by Felix Baumgartner. The number of views of that stream reached 8 million.
Why is it profitable to buy YouTube live stream views? Buying live stream views on YouTube will have a positive effect on your overall Youtube statistics. By promoting, your place in the live streaming rankings will go up. Popular streams allow new users to find you and subscribe to your YouTube channel. Live streams with a lot of viewers will bring you the status of a popular blogger, and will interest your target audience.
What is the longest streamed video on YouTube? The video that was streamed the longest (10.6 billion views) was ‘Baby Shark Dance’ by Pinkfong.
Who is the most streamed Youtuber? According to various sources, the most streamed YouTube channel is T-Series. The channel uploads Indian music videos. Interestingly, this is not only a channel but a company that publishes content under the same name. The channel was created in 2019 and the number of subscribers reaches 230 million people.
How do I get more viewers on YouTube live? To get more viewers on your streams it is highly advisable to optimize your videos using SEO tools, post high-quality content for a better watching experience for your viewers, and come up with your own content-plan and post accordingly. Besides, to make promotion faster and more effective you can buy YouTube Live Stream Viewers and become noticeable on the platform.

Is it safe for my channel to promote YouTube streams? Yes, it's absolutely safe for your account to promote YouTube broadcasting! You'll never get banned, if you'll use our legit service, because WE provide only high quality and real views. But we cannot guarantee your account's safety if you use third-party unqualified providers that break YouTube terms.
How do I attract viewers to my stream? To attract more viewers to your streams try this:
  1. Post a stream of a walkthrough of a popular game;
  2. Analyze what technique your competitors are using and apply some to your streams;
  3. Focus on uploading high quality videos and streams;
  4. Create your own distinguish style that will attract more people to watch your content;
  5. Buy YouTube Live Stream Viewers and boost your popularity faster.
How do I get viewers on YouTube? To get more viewers on YouTube you should:
  1. Generate increased activity by interacting with your audience;
  2. Use other platform to let your followers know more about your YouTube accounts;
  3. Pay attention to the comments during your streams and other video content;
  4. Buy YouTube Live Stream Viewers.
Where to promote YouTube live streams? To promote streams on YouTube consider using Reddit as a platform. Create your own community on Reddit and engage with your target audience for YouTube stream promotion. In addition, you can always buy YouTube Live Stream Views for a faster promotion process.

Can I go live on YouTube with 500 subscribers? In fact, if a creator has less than 1 000 subscribers on their YouTube channel the number of livestream viewers can be limited by the platform. You can buy YouTube Live Stream Viewers to boost the process.
How much does a 1k viewer streamer make? The total income from a stream that a creator can get will depend on various factors. However, on the average when a streamer gets 1 000 views they can get up to $2 500 a month on Twitch. To reach this goal faster you can always buy YouTube Live Stream Viewers and get higher in ranking.
How to get 1,000 views on YouTube for free?
  1. Use other social networks to promote your YouTube content;
  2. Come up with a schedule of posting video content on the platform;
  3. Collaborate with other creators;
  4. Analyze the trend and post relevant content;
  5. Don’t forget to put watermarks for your videos;
  6. Buy YouTube Live Stream Viewers.

What if I don't know where to start? The most important thing is that you like and you are interested in what you're doing. You are sure to find like-minded people among your audience. And our platform will help you with everything else.